Speak and Grow Rich, Dottie Walters Lilly Walters

Udgiver: Søren P.
Pris: 120 kr.
Adresse: Vesterled 5 8860 Ulstrup
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Speak and Grow Rich, Dottie Walters Lilly Walters, emne: personlig udvikling

Speak and Grow Rich by Lilly and Dottie Walters, this book is all about marketing and getting those jobs as a professional speakers, even though it does touch on techniques, this is more about closing the deal and finding those jobs now that you are a professional speaker, great book

Buyer pays for postage, book weight is 350g

Titel: Speak and Grow Rich
Kategori: personlig udvikling
Forfatter: Dottie Walters Lilly Walters